Re: Forced discretionary ligatures
That is absolutely what it means. But the average non-native speaker does not know it—and the related word “discretion” has a second meaning, arguably more common, relating to secrecy, lack of public…2 -
Re: Authentic naive 17th century “grotesque” or postwar power tool disimprovement?
The main thing is, the original lettering would have had the “V” cut characteristic of chiseling. When traced over with some sort of power tool, it loses that and becomes just rounded. I assume one c…3 -
Re: Forced discretionary ligatures
Just to clarify: - there is a specific feature called “discretionary ligatures” (code: "dlig”) - when talking about OpenType feature code, “discretionary” is used to mean features that are off b…3 -
Re: Diacritic marks crashing into descenders and baseline
A with breve and acute is often the worst in Vietnamese. One recommendation for Latin fonts is to draw/test this one character prior to finalizing your vertical metrics, even if you do not otherwise …1 -
Re: DSType selling part of its collection to Monotype
The web enables video and remote training courses. But it seems to have been the pandemic that drove both students and teachers to accept these en masse, changing how much type design training is del…1